Featured Classes 

What if this psychic awareness was always a gift of the body for each of you to know yourself--each and every lifetime?  What if you were not taught to fear your own power within?  What if you were taught to ask your questions of life and then wait till the answer came to you?  Would it come?  What if the answers within--are in fact- within you?  What stopped you from believing this ability you had when you were born?


Intuitive Tools for Everyday Living 1

(4 weeks class)

Rolling Entry

Intuitive Tools for Everyday Living class for 4 consecutive weeks. This class is offered over the phone. It will give you the tools and grounding for navigation of your opening.

In this 4 week phone course, you will learn basic energetic tools to open the sixth chakra (third eye) and access your own clairvoyance to help you see your own truth. Discover the connection between you and the planet. Learn different ways to run your own energy in the body. Find your neutral protection and reclaim your space in the universe.

Energy cannot be created. Energy cannot be destroyed. Energy can only be transformed. When we operate from a never-waning belief in ourselves as energy, as spirit, we can transform into anything we want. The extent to which we deny or reject this idea—even for just a moment—shows up as a struggle. It shapes our lives and determines whether we are on course with our life purpose or whether we meander through life.

This course will begin the exploration of your energetic body—directly. This is a purely experiential and interactive course done mainly with your eyes closed sitting quietly and journeying into your own inner mythology. 

In this course, you will experience:

Being in the center of your head. This is the ability to still the mind and allow higher faculties more space to operate.

Being grounded. The intuitive tool designed to make the body safe as you begin the journey into energy awareness. 

Clairvoyance. The picture nature of your being. The 6th chakra. Techniques that enhance communication between spirit and body.

Energy awareness—your aura. Experiencing it and knowing it.

Perception. Being able to see things and “know” things that are under the radar.

Running energy through the body to correct an imbalance, and find neutrality. This is a crucial skill in navigating your psychic/intuitive path

These Tools are simple yet extraordinary. They have the power to cause a profound shift in your relationship with life itself.



(4 weeks class)

This class is the continuation class of Intuitive Tools for Everyday Living

We continue discovering the roadmap within and the tools to unlock your very own signature intuition and its answers hidden in plain view all along.

Pre-requisite: Part 1 of Intuitive Tools for Everyday Living

Vicki (707) 762 0491

Director/Institute of Intuitive Intelligence


(4 weeks class)

In this continuation class of Intuitive Tools, you will learn some more navigation tools as you continue to open and exercise your clairvoyance. Before you know it, you are "seeing" beyond and finding answers to questions you did not know you could ask...

We will cover:

Guides:  Who are your guides?  What are they doing there? How to talk to them.         

Mock-ups:  or getting what you want and how to ask for it.

Making a "mock-up" for someone else.  Can we do that?

Havingness and giving to yourself:  The havingness guage

How to clean out a room-- with energy tools

The Truth or Lie rose:  Can you see if someone is not telling the truth?

The "Body of Glass" tool:  A practice for letting go of resistance.

This is a 4 weeks class given over the phone.

This is a pre-requisite course for the 18month Clairvoyant Program.  It is not scheduled to begin yet...

Call with questions or to register.Vicki (707) 762 0491

Director/Institute of Intuitive Intelligence